1. Getting in the right head space for 1st year students: Tacit knowledge and the students researcher by Barbara Fister - a reminder of assumptions that may need more explanation.
2. A caution: Library search tools. Could we make them harder to use? A great blog post on the first impression we could create (if we're not careful).
3. The kind of experience an induction could be: 10 things that learners pay attention to (and how to use them in e-learning). They're useful and relevant in any kind of learning. I'm trying to think how I could incorporate some of these in induction classes.
4. Something along the lines of this from JISC or anything similar that is saying how young people do this and that. How about telling learners what is being said about them (e.g. their "impatience in search and navigation and zero tolerance for any delay in satisfying their information needs") and seeing how they would respond? It would start a dialogue, rather than working from a potentially patronising "I know what you're really like" kind of assumption...
5. Sheffield Uni's page on Employability and Information Literacy - stuff here could help persuade why the stuff we're talking about could be real-life important. (I teach Business students so this is particularly relevant).
6. Three simple marketing rules all libraries should live by - from Ned Potter, which puts the focus clearly on the sort of messages we should be seeking to convey. Plus this tweet from him as well:
Tricky but important induction / infolit concept: it's more important to make a good impression with less info, than tell them everything.
— Ned Potter (@ned_potter) October 1, 2013
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